Savoury Apple Sauce

I always used to love apple sauce with a roast dinner but these days I find it a bit boring when it’s apple and nothing else. Last night I was struggling to think of something to liven up some organic pork and invented a more interesting (IMHO) version that contains three of the best gut-friendlyContinue reading “Savoury Apple Sauce”

Power potions: Dark Chocolate Linseeds

Linseeds are a fantastic female food. They are full of nutrition and soluble fibre and can support gut health, relieve constipation and aid safe elimination of oestrogen. They are a core part of any breast cancer protocol but… let’s face it… they’re not the most palatable of seeds. Linseeds are particularly helpful to support gutContinue reading “Power potions: Dark Chocolate Linseeds”

XVOO may be your secret weapon against breast cancer

You’ll see that in many of my recipes I feature something called XVOO – that’s extra virgin olive oil for people who are too lazy to type it out. I also write it like that because I want to draw your attention to it as an ingredient. We all know it’s an oil with aContinue reading “XVOO may be your secret weapon against breast cancer”

Power Paté : Organic Chicken Liver

Paté makes a perfect low carb high fat snack. When it comes to superfoods, liver is very near the top of the list providing way more nutrients per gram than the fruits and vegetables which often hog the limelight.

Making low-carb gluten-free gravies, soups and sauces

One of the most frequent questions I get from low-carbers is ‘how do I thicken a sauce?’ For those of us who were taught to make a roux with butter and flour, or mix up a tablespoon of cornflour, going gluten-free and low carb can be a challenge. I’ve found several options that work well for differentContinue reading “Making low-carb gluten-free gravies, soups and sauces”

Power Dressing

My nutrition clients often ask me what they can dress their salad with, since most off the shelf varieties are packed with added sugar and dubious fats. My stock reply has always been olive oil and lemon juice… Simple, but not exciting. Lately I’ve been inspired to create something with a bit more punch. Step aside, Paul Newman…

Baba ganoush

We’re out in Turkey enjoying the amazing climate and incredible food. Breakfast this morning was incredibly Dissident: Turkish yoghurt, extra virgin olive oil, dried cherry tomatoes and fresh (not dried) almonds. We’ve got mandarins, pomegranates and bananas growing around our villa.