Easy Chicken Tagine

This is a recipe I make all the time but always forget to photograph. It’s incredibly quick and impressively tasty. I remembered my camera today so I can finally share it. This is definitely a dish that takes minimum effort and delivers maximum impact; it’s also endlessly versatile, depending on what’s in the fridge.

Leeks baked with chorizo and tomato

Leeks, to me, are one of the most underrated vegetables. They are full of valuable prebiotic fibre and oestrogen detoxing sulphur and, cooked well, they become velvety and unctuous, complementing both meat and fish. The recipe below works well with any robust fish or seafood, it’s delicious with chicken or lamb, and even makes aContinue reading “Leeks baked with chorizo and tomato”

Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day

You can’t have missed last week’s headlines announcing that the five a day target needs to double. The New York Times led with ‘You’re going to need a bigger bowl‘. The study found that up to 600g per person per day of vegetables leads to a reduced cancer risk and that 8oog reduced all causeContinue reading “Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day”

Diana Henry’s lamb and black bean chilli

I cooked this recipe twice in January, both times for large groups of people. The recipe doubles very successfully. We’re eating the last of it from the freezer tonight! The second time I added a bit more chilli – but it’s very much a matter of taste.