Everyone’s A Fruit and Nut Case…

At Christmas the shops are full of fancy chocolates that sometimes delight but often disappoint. If you’re already following a lower sugar diet, the high sugar content of commercial confectionary can mask the flavour of the ingredients. So, if I want a really good chocolate hit without the sugar I find it easier to makeContinue reading “Everyone’s A Fruit and Nut Case…”

Fennel, orange and black olive slaw

I first tasted this slaw during a trip to Bologna several years ago, and it quickly became one of my favourite side dishes. A perfect accompaniment to fish, chicken or red meat, it works just as well without the olives.

Cauliflower, lentil and halloumi salad

This was one of those accidental salads that worked so well I felt duty bound to write it down and share it with you. Therefore, apologies for the photo because, as so often happens, it wasn’t until it was half-eaten that I realised how good it was!

Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day

You can’t have missed last week’s headlines announcing that the five a day target needs to double. The New York Times led with ‘You’re going to need a bigger bowl‘. The study found that up to 600g per person per day of vegetables leads to a reduced cancer risk and that 8oog reduced all causeContinue reading “Warm Salads: the easy way to ten-a-day”

Coconut pancakes with bacon and raspberries

I’ll be honest, sprinkling sugar and lemon juice over a hot, lacy pancake is a favourite childhood memory that has been forever spoiled by going low carb-gluten free. But all is not lost: these low carb coconut pancakes from The Ketogenic Kitchen are completely delicious!

Oliver Twist Broad Beans

Not everyone likes them, in fact a lot of people don’t, as I was reminded on Saturday evening when I served a large dish of fresh broad beans at supper with friends. Whoops! My long-standing friend with a long-standing dislike of the most unloved bean was polite enough to try them – and then ask for more!Continue reading “Oliver Twist Broad Beans”

Blue cheese and celery soup

I’ve fallen in love with soup all over again while I’ve been recovering from surgery. It’s such a good way to deliver nutrients into your system when your digestion is compromised by trauma and antibiotics. Friends have provided delicious new recipes and I’ve rediscovered some old ones – like this blue cheese and celery soup thatContinue reading “Blue cheese and celery soup”