Not mushroom for breakfast?

I find the biggest obstacle to choosing and eating the right foods for every meal is my inbuilt programming of what a meal ‘should’ be. Working with clients, I have learned that breakfast is the meal people find most difficult to reimagine.

Goat’s Cheese and Asparagus Crustless Quiche

To me, May is the most beautiful month; the garden is full of colour and life, summer is still waiting to happen. The new season’s asparagus is an added bonus. You can add it to soups and salads, or simply eat on it’s own with a little butter and black pepper, or a poached egg.

Coconut pancakes with bacon and raspberries

I’ll be honest, sprinkling sugar and lemon juice over a hot, lacy pancake is a favourite childhood memory that has been forever spoiled by going low carb-gluten free. But all is not lost: these low carb coconut pancakes from The Ketogenic Kitchen are completely delicious!

Carrot, nut and yoghurt brunch bowl

I must confess, I find ‘during the day’ food a bit of a pain. I really love my evening cooking ritual but I’m too often tempted to cut myself a quick chunk of cheese at midday and carry on working. To cure myself of my bad habits I’ve been trying different brunch bowls. This oneContinue reading “Carrot, nut and yoghurt brunch bowl”

Heavenly ham, eggs and lentils

It’s not easy to adapt a low carb diet to our convenience food mentality. Most of us want to grab and go when it comes to lunch and breakfast, but few foods offer the level of easy packaging and shelf life that carbs do. I’m on a mission to provide a few quick and easy,Continue reading “Heavenly ham, eggs and lentils”